A downloadable game for Windows

Witch Way is a 3rd person puzzle platformer where the player can use magical creatures’ powers and interact with objects within the game world to solve puzzles. 

You play as a witch apprentice who is about to take her final exam in sorcery school. On the way to the exam she loses her talisman which grants her ability to summon her magical creatures. Your task is to retrieve it back and head to the exam room, which may turn out to be more difficult to do than it seems. 

Navigate through rooms, jump from platform to platform, summon and make use of your creatures’ help. Immerse yourself in a fantastic world!

Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VVnqZ1ybk0ao-ZYPKjtJu29G_7_NmJtNr63TMT0-osxURExES0JOUkNEVlVTVDdLSUxBUFRWNEtRWS4u

Game developed by Coffee Ferrets


WitchWay 675 MB

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